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University Affairs (April 4, 2017).
The open educational resources movement is redefining the concept of online textbooks (Suzanne Bowness).
Richmond News (March 16, 2017).
Distracted driving: They will see you, they will fine you (Alex Campbell).
KPU Runner (October, 2016)
Interview regarding student debt and OER
Richmond News (Feb. 1, 2016)
Is the truth out there? (Philip Rafael)
GlobalNews (March 20, 2015)
Educators lean toward open source textbooks to cut costs for students (Paula Baker)
Richmond News (Sept. 19, 2014)
TedxKPU to challenge Richmondites (Graeme Wood)
Richmond Review (June 17, 2011)
Actions of rioters not unique to Vancouver (Matthew Hoekstra)
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